
  • 1/14/2020 (Tue): Lecture 1 - Course introduction, policies, prospective topics & course project (Slides)
  • 1/16/2020 (Thu): Lecture 2 - Genome Assembly Overview (Slides)
  • 1/21/2020 (Tue): Lecture 3 - Genome Assembly Overview (Slides)
  • 1/23/2020 (Thu): Lecture 4 - Genome Aseembly Details (Slides), Presenter 1 (David A)
  • 1/28/2020 (Tue): Lecture 5 - Genome Assembly Lab - Data Preprocessing (Slides)
  • 1/30/2020 (Thu): Lecture 6 - Genome Assembly Lab (Slides), Presenter 2 (Yassin)
  • 2/4/2020 (Tue): Lecture 7 - Genome Assembly Lab (Slides - Cont)
  • 2/6/2020 (Thu): Lecture 8 - Genome Assembly Lab (Slides)), Presenter 3 (Huan)
  • 2/11/2020 (Tue): Lecture 9 - RNA-Seq Overview (Slides)
  • 2/13/2020 (Thu): Lecture 10 - RNA-Seq: Aligner, Output (SAM) and Visualization (Slides), Presenter 4 (John)
  • 2/18/2020 (Tue): Lecture 11 - RNA-Seq: GTF/GFF and Splice Aligner (Slides)
  • 2/20/2020 (Thu): Lecture 12 - RNA-Seq: GTF/GFF and Splice Aligner (Slides), Presenter 5 (Andrew)
  • 2/25/2020 (Tue): Lecture 13 - Splice Aligner Lab (Slides)
  • 2/27/2020 (Thu): Lecture 14 - Expression Quantification (Slides), Presenter 6 (David D)
  • 3/3/2020 (Tue): Lecture 15 - Quantificaiton and Differential Expression Analysis (Slides)
  • 3/5/2020 (Thu): Lecture 16 - Oxford MinION Lab
  • 3/10/2020 (Tue): No Class (Spring Break)
  • 3/12/2020 (Thu): No Class (Spring Break)
  • 3/17/2020 (Tue): No Class (Suspension of classes by COVID-19)
  • 3/19/2020 (Thu): No Class (Suspension of classes by COVID-19)
  • 3/24/2020 (Tue): Online Lecture 17 - Differential Expression Analysis (Slides), Presenter 7 (Stephen)
  • 3/26/2020 (Thu): Online Lecture 18 - RNA-Seq Analysis Summary (Slides), Presenter 8 (Feiya)
  • 3/31/2020 (Tue): Online Lecture - Single Cell RNA-Seq (Guest Lecturer: Scott Lewis, Slides, Lab R-Script, Lab Data)
  • 4/2/2020 (Thu): Online Lecture - Metagenomics Overview (Slides), Presenter 9 (Peter)
  • 4/7/2020 (Tue): Online Lecture - Metagenomics Tools (Slides)
  • 4/9/2020 (Thu): No Class (Easter Break)
  • 4/14/2020 (Tue): Online Lecture - Metagenomics Lab, Presenter 10 (Cory) (Slides)
  • 4/16/2020 (Thu): Online Lecture - Variant Calling, Presenter 11 (Wanxiang) (Slides)
  • 4/21/2020 (Tue): Online Lecture - Modeling and Simulation 1 (Slides), Presenter 12 (Yujing – Canceled)
  • 4/23/2020 (Thu): Online Lecture - Modeling and Simulation 2 (Slides, Lab: COPASI file), Presenter 13 (Christina)
  • 4/28/2020 (Tue): Online Lecture - Modeling and Simulation 3 (Slides), Finalize Lectures (other important topics in Bioinformatics)
  • 4/30/2020 (Thu): Online Lecture - Final Project Group Presentations

Literature Review Paper


  • Due: 1/24/2020 (Fri) 11pm – Programing HW #1 (10pt): Rosalind Problem 1 @ SLU BCB5250
  • Due: 2/3/2020 (Mon) 11pm – Programing HW #2 (10pt): Rosalind Problem 2-3 @ SLU BCB5250
  • Due: 2/9/2020 (Sun) 11pm – Lab HW #1 (Genome Assembly) (50pt)
  • Due: 2/10/2020 (Mon) 11pm – Programing HW #3 (10pt): Rosalind Problem 4-5 @ SLU BCB5250
  • Due: 2/17/2020 (Mon) 11pm – Programing HW #4 (10pt): Rosalind Problem 6-7 @ SLU BCB5250
  • Due: 2/24/2020 (Mon) 11pm – Programing HW #5 (10pt): Rosalind Problem 8-9 @ SLU BCB5250
  • Due: 3/23/2020 (Mon) 11pm – Programing HW #6 (10pt): Rosalind Problem 10-12 @ SLU BCB5250
  • Due: 4/6/2020 (Mon) 11pm – Programing HW #7 (10pt): Rosalind Problem 13-14 @ SLU BCB5250
  • Due: 4/13/2020 (Mon) 11pm – Programing HW #8 (10pt): Rosalind Problem 15-17 @ SLU BCB5250
  • Due: 4/28/2020 (Tue) 11:59pm – Lab HW #2 (RNA-Seq) (50pt)
  • Due: 4/28/2020 (Tue) 11:59pm – Lab HW #3 (Metagenomics) (50pt)
  • Due: 4/28/2020 (Tue) 11:59pm – HW #4 (Copasi) (50pt)

Term Project

Oxford MinION Lab