
  1. Strongly recommend to have 3 or 4 students in each group (we have 24 students).
  2. It is also allowed to work alone or as a pair (2 students).
  3. If you cannot find/make a group for you, but want to join a group, please email me.


  1. Your research topic + HPC
    • If you or your group member is working on a specific research project and if you have a C++/Python/Matlab code, you can parallelize your code, run it using HPC system, and get some benefits.
  2. Any published work + your benchmark or your new idea or your analysis + HPC
    • Visit conference sites (SC, IPDPS, PPpPP, JSSPP) or journals (IEEE TPDS, ACM TOPC, JPDC, PC, IJPP), pick a paper (if the paper provide a dataset, it would be great), re-do or benchmark, so do anything what you want using HPC, and report it.
  3. Any challenge in CAMDA 2020. If you select metagenomic challenge, I can help you more.
  4. Any challenge in kaggle using HPC.
  5. Solve Bioinformatics Contest 2019. This is good for students who want do the project individually and improve programming skills.
  6. Review paper for any specific topic (OpenMP, MPI, CUDA, Apache Spark, Cloud, and so on) and relative researches.


  1. Students enrolled in CSCI 5850 are (1) required to work on a problem in their major area, and (2) their writeup should take the form of a publication-ready research paper, with an introduction, survey of related work, experiments, results, and a bibliography. Final report should be 4-6 pages.
  2. Students enrolled in CSCI 4850 are required to turn in the final report that should be 3-6 pages. Paper format is not required, but please provide well about background and your results.
  3. All groups should submit their midterm report with Project Idea, Background, Plan, and/or any Preliminary Results. The due is 11:59 PM (CST), Fri, Mar 27, 2020.

Possible for Manuscript

  1. If your team would like to have a goal for publishing your work, you should discuss with me often.